by The Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (BICSA) and Verein für Gesellschaftskritik und Antisemitismusforschung e.V.
May 19, 2015, historian and leading scholar in antisemitism, Professor Robert S. Wistrich (1945-2015), Director of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (SICSA) at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, died in Rome. Robert was a friend, colleague, and ally. We miss him.
To keep the memory of this wonderful person, vibrant public intellectual and outstanding scholar alive and to learn from his scholarship, the Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (BICSA) and the Verein für Gesellschaftskritik und Antisemitismusforschung e.V. will held the yearly „Robert S. Wistrich Memorial Lecture.“
May 31, 2018, The Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (BICSA) held the third Robert S. Wistrich Memorial Lecture.
Speaker was Dr. Rafal Pankowski, Collegium Civitas and ‚NEVER AGAIN‘ Association, about „Antisemitism in Poland in 2018“.
You can listen to the event here:
Robert S. Wistrich Memorial Lecture 2018

Welcome remarks by Ilan Kiesling, Jewish Community Berlin, head of the Department of Communication, alle Fotos: privat